Atmiya University

Diploma civil Engineering

About Department

Vision & Mission


  • Develop competent civil engineering technicians with professional skills, knowledge, abilities & attitude for wage employment and/or to become entrepreneur.
  • Provide opportunities and develop competence to work as a leader, manager or team member in multidisciplinary civil engineering works and projects.
  • Develop effective communication skills - Verbal, Written and Graphical, to justify technical solutions for diverse targets associated with civil engineering works.
  • Encourage and provide necessary knowledge, skills and opportunities for higher education and exploring different learning strategies for life-long learning.
  • Provide opportunities and develop responsible professionals in terms of ethics and value systems.

Graduate Attributes

  • Academic excellence: Ability to describe the core skills and concepts associated with the discipline
  • Active learning: Ability of active participation, engagement and role play in any project/task.
  • Skilled competence: Ability to integrate and apply the technical skills and life skills in development of a solution at workplace.
  • Significant & Last Learning: Always looking for opportunities to continue to learn, reflect and apply new knowledge and skills in a positive sustainable way.

Program Educational Outcomes

Our programme will produce Graduates who
PEO-1 Breadth and depth of domain knowledge: Will be able to establish fundamental knowledge, problem solving skills, engineering experimental abilities, and design capabilities for a Civil engineering domain
PEO-2 Curiosity and truth seeking: can appreciate diversity in the world and in intellectual pursuits and desire and ability to keep learning throughout life.
PEO-3 Analytical & practical skills: will possess technical knowledge, skill and professional ethics to serve the society effectively in the field of civil Engineering.
PEO-4 Digital capabilities: have the awareness and competence to be savvy users of information technology in civil engineering Domain
PEO-5 Confidence & Tolerance: will have the perspective of lifelong learning for acquiring knowledge and motivation for higher studies.

Program Outcomes

After completion of the programme the Graduate will be able to:
PO 1 Domain knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals, within specialist discipline to wide practical procedures and practices
PO 2 Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined problems reaching substantiated conclusions using codified methods of analysis specific to specialist field
PO 3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural and societal and environmental considerations
PO 4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems, locate and search relevant codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and measurements
PO 5 Modern tool usage: Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to well-defined engineering problems with an awareness of the limitations
PO 6 The Engineer and society: Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well defined engineering problems
PO 7 Environment and sustainability: Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of engineering technician work in the solution of well-defined engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts
PO 8 Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of technical practice
PO 9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a team member in diverse technical teams
PO 10 Communication: Communicate effectively on well-defined engineering activities with the engineering community and society at large, by being able to comprehend the work of others, document their own work, and give and receive clear instructions
PO 11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles, apply these to ones’ own work, as a member or leaders in a technical team and to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment
PO 12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent updating in the context of specialized technical knowledge.

Program Specific Outcomes

After completion of the programme the Graduate will:
PSO-1 Able to describe, analyse and solve problems using mathematics and systematic problem solving technique
PSO-2 Have an ability to plan, execute, manage, maintain and rehabilitate civil engineering systems and processes
PSO-3 Be able to interact and work seamlessly in multi-disciplinary teams.
PSO-4 Requisite understanding on impact of civil engineering projects and processes in a global, economic and societal context.
PSO-5 Be able to recognize the need of the various civil engineering fields like Construction, sanitation, waste management, Estimation and Costing, use of renewable energy etc. for a sustainable environment.

Faculty profile

Mr. Khemendra R. Dattani

M.E Structure Design
Exp:8 Year 5 Month

Mr.Mohit D Satani

M.E Structure
Exp:8 Year 5 Month


M.E Structure
Exp:7 Year 9 Month

Mr. Mitul K. Chovatiya

ME Structure
Exp:7 year


ME Transportation
Exp:6 year

Mr Vivek V Solanki

M.E Water Resource

Mrs Feny D Maru

M E Transportation

Mrs Purti L Solanki

M E Transportation


There is a massive career scope in Civil Engineering as Civil Engineering graduates can explore promising opportunities in both the private sector and public sectors.

Most importantly, there is an immense scope of Civil Engineering in the government sector where you can work in the following government jobs in Civil Engineering:

  • ONGC
  • PWD
  • Electricity boards
  • Armed Forces
  • NHAI
  • Indian Railways
  • IOC
  • Town Planning
  • BHEL

Here are the most popular job profiles and careers in Civil Engineering in India:Here are the most popular job profiles and careers in Civil Engineering in India:

  • Project Manager
  • Planning and Design Officer
  • Site Engineer
  • Construction Managers
  • Civil Engineering Technicians
  • Architects
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Senior Engineer
  • Chief Engineer
  • City Engineer
  • Division Leader and Head
  • Deputy Engineer
  • Surveyors
  • Director of Public Work
  • Urban and Regional Planners
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Professor and Teachers
  • Researcher
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs

Research and Publication

1 Mr. Khemendra R. Dattani JETIR (Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research) Performance Of Ferrochrome Ash (FCA) With Lime As Partial Replacement Of Cement In Self Compacted Concrete
2 Mr.Mohit D Satani IJAERD-International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Literature Review On Optimization Of Frame Member Using Semi Rigid Connection
IJAERD-International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Optimization Of Frame Member Using Semi Rigid Connection
3 Mr.NayanN.Nandwana JETIR (Journal Of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research) Experimental Study on Self-Compacting Concrete using E-plastic waste materials in partial replacement of coarse aggregate
4 Mr. Mitul K. Chovatiya IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research and Development Mechanical Characteristics and Durability of Self Compacting Concretes Produced with Roof Tile Powder
IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research and Development Performance Of Roof Tile Powder as a Partial Replacement Of Cement In Self Compacted Concrete
IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research and Development Modification In Self Compacted Concrete
5 Mr.DarshanP.Joshi IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research and Development Effect of Warm Mix Additive on the Performance of the Bituminous Mix
IRE Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Critical Review on: Identify Hazardous Road Location &Interprit by ArcGIS


Sr. No. Event Name Event Date Photo Gallery
1 Classified Volume Count Traffic Survey 2021-09-29 View
2 Site Visit56 Mld Sewage Treatment Plant,Raya Water Treatment Filter Plant 2021-09-28 View
3 Teachers Day Celebration 2021-09-05 View
4 Site Visit At Decora Sky Hills 2021-08-25 View
5 Interaction Session With Alumni 2021-06-05 View
6 Women's Day Celebration 2021-05-08 View
8 Tree plantation at Railway Ground 2020-12-03 View
9 Site Visit SardarSarovar Dam Visit 2020-09-01 View
10 Site Visit At NuvocoRmcPlanton 2020-05-09 View
11 Site Visit Adani Port Mundra 2020-02-29 View
12 Atmiyaabhiyan Model Presentation 2020-02-28 View
13 Employability Training Program Campus to Corporate 2020-02-25 View
14 Visit At Hi-Bond Cement Plant &Bhadar Dam 2020-02-02 View
15 SwachhtaAbhiyan celebration 2020-01-31 View
16 Thalassemia Test And Awareness Program 2020-01-11 View
17 Site Visit At Khandheri Stadium 2020-01-02 View
18 Poster presentation on Engineers day celebration 2019-09-15 View
19 Model Presentation 2019-08-20 View
20 Model Making Event 2019-04-06 View
21 Bridge making Competition 2019-03-23 View
22 Site Visit Statue Of Unity 2019-03-02 View
23 Site Visit Water Filtration Plant 2018-12-23 View
24 Expert Talk by J k cement 2018-08-24 View
25 Visit To Under Construction Building 2018-07-24 View
26 Ambuja Knowledge Center seminar 2017-10-23 View
27 MSME training workshop 2017-09-21 View

Department Infrastructure


1 Chauhan Shailesh Anilbhai L&T CONSTRUCTION
2 Mahavadia Ayush Ketanbhai L&T CONSTRUCTION
3 Shobhitsinh Rathod L&T CONSTRUCTION
4 Yograj Vagdiya L&T CONSTRUCTION


1 Chavad Rutvik 1st rank in zaverchandmeghani poem recitation as well as in Rajkot level Lokgeet Competition 30/09/2021 1st rank in zaverchandmeghani poem recitation as well as in Rajkot level Lokgeet Competition